欢迎欣赏蓝天外语的新概念英语2A班学员Alley Leung作品《Why do we study English?》:
Why do we study English?
I thought about the question that why we study English for a long time. When I was at school, I learnt English just to pass the examinations. But nowadays, I learn English due to its importance in the world. Not only is it an international language, but also an international communication tool.
If you want to do business with foreigners, you have to use English, because most of the documents and information are written in English. English is generally used in meetings. Many famous books are first published in English versions. The more English you know, the more interesting foreign cultures you know from reading English-writing books.
But for me, studying English is all for my job. I want to get my job easier. In a word, I consider it important to learn English. We should keep on with studying it step by step.
Alley Leung from NCE 2A.
August 26, 2014