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The meaning of life - 新概念2B班李卉针

2014/8/14 4124浏览 来源:蓝天外语


 The meaning of life 

    People have various opinions on the meaning of life. Some of them think that they live for money. Some live for fame. Some live for joy. To me, I live for experiences which enable me to understand the meaning of life.

    The first of my opinion about the meaning of life is that money and fame do not lead you to a happy life. There are so many people are busy earning more money and fame but have no time to enjoy their family life, friendship,traveling and sightseeing etc. I can't deny that money is very important in life, but money just only leads people to a boring life. Sometimes the extreme people pursuit the money and fame will break the law and hurt others. Secondly, living for joy is also unacceptable to me. Human beings are a kind of animals with emotions and feelings, so it is not so sensible to avoid sadness and anger. At that moment, we need to communicate with others to reduce our sadness and anger.

    Now, I will come back to my point for various experiences. I remember that an elder told me: People should work and study unceasingly. Occasionally, we go traveling to open our eyes. And at a proper time you could stop and find someone to fall in love. People will be content with such kind of life. This passage has a great significance to me.

    I'm not sure whether my life is very happy and valuable or not, but I feel very satisfied, because I learn from all my experiences,whether they are failure or success, happiness or grieves. I just enjoy life from different experiences. From different things, I belive that you will find your life is worthwhile and meaningful.

From: Flora(李卉针)

Class: NCE2B(新概念2B班)


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